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Breaking the current workflow to improve prove productivity.

We much get comfortable with our current workflows, trying something new, we think that slows us down and reduce productivity, Not True! (Sometimes).

We get used to most hard user interfaces and ergonomics that limit our productivity. Here is an example, a QWERTY keyword, I have mastered the QWERTY keyboard I know where each key is on the board. However, I read over the internet that keys where arrange in the QWERTY format to avoid key collusion on the typewriters, not keyboards. QWERTY layout limits your max typing speeding, so they suggest I switch to Dvorak or Colemak. For the keyboard am not switching soon this one of the workflows that are hard to break for a better experience now let me share an example that fits our subject.

Most of us grew up using Microsoft Windows and have used it for almost 15 years and more, in 2013 that's when I got my first MAC computer, I loved the premium look, and its battery lasted longer than most of the windows laptop by that time. When I thought about the shortcuts and workflows, I had mastered on windows I was hesitant to switch Mac OS, so I had plans of installing windows.

After Failing to install windows then, I was stuck with MacOs and forced to learn it, In the end, I was amused, how simple it was to use and I could easily carry current MacOS workflows to Linux and UNIX OS, it was a win for me. Now I try windows, and I feel its too packed, I don't regret the changes;

Let me concluded; get out of the routine and try out new technologies; try out new text-editors, operating systems, machines you will be amazed by how much you have been cheating your productivity.